deKay's Lofi Gaming

Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga (PS5): COMPLETED!

It’s been a long time since a Lego game came out. This one is (yet another) Star Wars themed one, which re-treads a lot of ground from previous Lego Star Wars games due to the fact they’re based on the same films. They are, however, all new levels, and the most recent two films have never been developed into a Lego game either, so that’s OK. It’s also a “new engine”, “rewritten from the ground up” or something, so you …

Geometry Wars Evolved 2 (360)

I predicted on Usenet that GWE2 was likely to only be half the game Geometry Wars: Galaxies on the Wii was. And, having bought it, I was pretty much right. But that doesn’t mean it’s bad. Not in the slightest – it’s still amazing. It only had 6 “levels” (or rather, modes of play), but they’re more varied in rules than those in Galaxies. This evening’s play was supposed to be a quick go to see how it plays. An …

Top 10 Game Boy Advance Games

Ah, the Game Boy Advance. To many, a portable SNES without enough buttons to effectively be a portable SNES, and one with a screen invisible in all but the glow of a 100W lightbulb. That didn’t stop it from having arguably the best catalogue of games of any system, however, and with the lit screen of the GBA SP (further refined in the GB Micro), it became and remains my favourite handheld ever. And I loved my DS and 3DS a lot. …

2009: The Games

I was surprised that, despite having a baby at Christmas last year, I was still able to play games in 2009. It seems babies sleep! Not that I’d have imagined that in our first few days with her at home. More surprising, is that I’ve somehow managed to complete a total of 43 games in the last 12 months. In 2008, I “only” completed 33. But the best games of 2009? That’s an ask, isn’t it? Mainly because I’m pretty …

Prizes for me!

I won a competition today! I’m most impressed, as I never, ever, win anything. At all. Ever. I had to come up with family friendly versions of “mature rated” games. In the end, I think I won through swamping them with entries. Anyway, my prizes? Not so amazing, unfortunately. I won copies of Xbox Live Arcade lemons Yahtzee, Connect 4 and Battleship. They’re not awful, but they’re not exactly the sort of thing I’d normally be after. Not least because …

The games of 2008

For four years now, I’ve kept a diary detailing the games I play. Part of the reason was to see how many games I buy (and to reduce this number), and how many I complete (and to increase this number). 2008 saw a drop in completed games – 33 compared to 61 in 2007. I don’t think this is bad, when you look at the games I’ve been completing. In 2007, there were quite a few shorter games, including 5 …

Galaga Legions (360)

I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again – I don’t like shooters. Except Defender. And Geometry Wars. And Smash TV. And Side Arms. And Parodius. And Sol Feace. And Space Invaders. And Galaga. And Dominator. But generally, I don’t like shooters. So why did I buy this? Because it’s BIG and SHOOTY and makes my eyes bleed, only bleed slightly less than GWE2 does. And it was by the Pac-man CE team, and that was amazing. This is …

Assassin’s Creed (360)

So I’ve killed the bloke in Jerusalem, and then it was off (via Massaf) to Damascus again, to kill a fat, and overtly gay, businessman who was holding a party just so he could poison all the guests. Amazing. He was the easiest kill so far, and with him bumped off I went up a rank and got some more items, and then set off for Acre again. I’ve not done anything there yet, though. So I’m enjoying the game, …

2007: A Year in Gaming – Part 2

May May was more varied than previous months this year.¬¨‚Ć There was Eledees and Wing Island on the Wii, Crackdown, Lego Star Wars II and Tony Hawk’s American Wasteland on the 360, and the amazing Ouendan 2 on the DS, as well a plethora of 360 demos, XBLA games, and Wii VC titles. I struggled with the original NES Castlevania (on the VC) for a while too, and never did manage to complete it.¬¨‚Ć It’s just too hard! June Oh …